Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Thursday, November 2, 2017

New Wayne-Dalton Wooden Doors Make the Home

Wayne-Dalton Garage Doors are synonymous with quality and performance.  Did you know they are also available in numerous materials and over 6000 color choices?

Hanson Overhead installed several wooden Wayne-Dalton garage doors on a beautiful home in Kenwood, CA this year.  The Model 7411 - Belmont Design doors included squared glass top sections with 12 True Divided Lites windows.  We worked with our clients to select garage doors that would accent their home design.

Our technician painted the garage doors onsite prior to installation.  The single-car door is actually non-operational, but is the home laundry.  By the time our team had completed the project the new wooden garage doors looked like they had been a part of the original home construction.